Word |
Meaning in English |
Usage of word |
पीछे होना ( pichhe hona ) |
TRAIL ( Verb ) |
there as a trail of blood |
चिह्न ( chihn ) |
TRAIL ( Noun ) |
The tornado left a trail of destruction behind it. |
चरण ( charaN ) |
TRAIL ( Noun ) |
there as a trail of blood |
हारना ( harana ) |
TRAIL ( TransitiveVerb ) |
The party is trailing badly in the polls. |
रास्ता ( rasta ) |
TRAIL ( Noun ) |
there as a trail of blood |
धरती के ऊपर इधर उधर फैलना ( dharati ke Upar idhar udhar phailana ) |
TRAIL ( TransitiveVerb ) |
Jasmine creeper is trailing over the walls . |