pakaDD Meaning in English pakaDD का मतलब अंग्रेजी में – Translation of pakaDD in English

Suggested Words

Word Meaning in English Usage of word
पकड़ ( pakaDD ) CATCH ( Noun ) Jonty Rhodes made a superb catch of the ball at the boundaryline.
पकड़ ( pakaDD ) CAPTURE ( Noun ) The convict evaded capture for a week.
पकड़ ( pakaDD ) GRASP ( Noun ) He has good grasp over the English language.
पकड़ ( pakaDD ) SEIZURE ( Noun ) The seizure of power by army general in Japan set dictorial rule there.
पकड़ ( pakaDD ) COP ( Verb ) He was copped for stealing.
पकड़ ( pakaDD ) HOLD ( Noun ) शेयर बाजार पर सटोरियों की holdपकड़मजबूत हो रही है.

pakaDD Meaning in English pakaDD का मतलब अंग्रेजी में - Translation of pakaDD in English - myHindiEnglish

Find the answer of what is meaning of pakaDD in the English dictionary? translate pakaDD in the English language pakaDD ka Matlab Angrezi me janiye. pakaDD का अंग्रेजी में मतलब. Know the meaning of any word using find the meaning of the Hindi word pakaDD in English as well as in Hindi.Know the other meaning of pakaDD and how to use that word in your life. Meaning of pakaDD in English Translation of pakaDD

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