ghis jana Meaning in English ghis jana का मतलब अंग्रेजी में – Translation of ghis jana in English
Suggested Words
Word | Meaning in English | Usage of word |
घिस जाना ( ghis jana ) | ABRASE ( Verb ) | |
घिस जाना ( ghis jana ) | RUB DOWN ( Verb ) | |
घिस जाना ( ghis jana ) | WEAR (STH) AWAY ( PhrasalVerb ) | Fine carving on the walls has been worn away over the years. |
घिस जाना ( ghis jana ) | SCUFF ( Verb ) | |
घिस जाना ( ghis jana ) | WEAR ( Verb ) | The tyres are worn due to constant use. |
घिस जाना ( ghis jana ) | WEAR (STH) DOWN ( PhrasalVerb ) | The tyres have been worn down to dangerous levels. |