Word |
Meaning in English |
Usage of word |
यंत्र ( yanatr ) |
DEVICE ( Noun ) |
the device is small enough to wear on your wrist |
किसी कार्य विशेष के वास्ते काम में आने वाली मशीन या औजार ( kisi kary visheSh ke vaste kam men Ane vali mashin ya aujar ) |
DEVICE ( Noun ) |
India has developed its own nuclear device. |
उपकरण ( upakaraN ) |
DEVICE ( Verb ) |
चाकू कुछ भी काटने का एक उपकरण है |
योजना ( yojana ) |
DEVICE ( Verb ) |
A Knife is a device for cutting something |
साहित्य में पाठक पर प्रभाव छोड़ने वाली लेखन शैली ( sahity men paThak par prabhav chhoDDane vali lekhan shaili ) |
DEVICE ( Noun ) |
The poet e e cummings has a distinct stylistic device of poetry. |