CRASH Meaning in Hindi CRASH का मतलब हिंदी में Translation of CRASH in Hindi
Suggested Words
Word | Meaning in English | Usage of word |
ढहना ( Dhahana ) | CRASH ( IntransitiveVerb ) | The branch crashed down on my car |
फेंकना ( phenakana ) | CRASH ( Verb ) | they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane |
तोड़ फोड़ मचाना ( toDa phoDa machana ) | CRASH ( Verb ) | they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane |
दुर्घटना ( durghaTana ) | CRASH ( Verb ) | they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane |
ढह जाना ( Dhah jana ) | CRASH ( Verb ) | they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane |
कार्य करना बंद कर देना ( kary karana banad kar dena ) | CRASH ( verb ) | मेरे कंप्यूटर ने उसी क्षण कार्य करना बंद कर दिया जिस समय मैं प्रश्न पत्रों के प्रिंट आउट निकालने वाला था। |