chhuna Meaning in English chhuna का मतलब अंग्रेजी में – Translation of chhuna in English
Suggested Words
Word | Meaning in English | Usage of word |
छूना ( chhuna ) | FEEL ( Verb ) | he has a feel for animals |
छूना ( chhuna ) | TAG ( Verb ) | semantic tags were attached in order to identify different meanings of the word |
छूना ( chhuna ) | TOUCH ( Verb ) | Touch the floor. He is the best actor.No one can touch him. The water touched the danger mark . Whatver Midas touched became gold. |
छूना ( chhuna ) | HANDLE ( Verb ) | he grabbed the hammer by the handle |
छूना ( chhuna ) | FINGER ( Verb ) | her fingers were long and thin |