BRUSH Meaning in Hindi BRUSH का मतलब हिंदी में Translation of BRUSH in Hindi
Suggested Words
Word | Meaning in English | Usage of word |
मुठभेड़ ( muThabheDa ) | BRUSH ( Noun ) | the dentist recommended two brushes a day |
झुरमुट ( jhuramuT ) | BRUSH ( Noun ) | the dentist recommended two brushes a day |
सँवारना ( saNavarana ) | BRUSH ( Verb ) | The staff had a nasty brush with their manager. |
मार्जनी ( marjani ) | BRUSH ( Noun ) | the dentist recommended two brushes a day |
धीरे से स्पर्ष करना ( dhire se sparSh karana ) | BRUSH ( Verb ) | the dentist recommended two brushes a day |
तूलिका ( tulika ) | BRUSH ( Noun ) | the dentist recommended two brushes a day |