BANK Meaning in Hindi BANK का मतलब हिंदी में Translation of BANK in Hindi
Suggested Words
Word | Meaning in English | Usage of word |
पेटी ( peTi ) | BANK ( Noun ) | they pulled the canoe up on the bank |
बैंक मेँ रूपया रखना ( bainak meN rupaya rakhana ) | BANK ( Verb ) | Ram banks his money for safety. |
मोड़ना ( moDana ) | BANK ( Verb ) | they pulled the canoe up on the bank |
जुए में सामने रखा धन ( jue men samane rakha dhan ) | BANK ( Noun ) | they pulled the canoe up on the bank |
बैंक ( bainak ) | BANK ( Verb ) | I deposit my money in the bank. |
ढेर लगाना ( Dher lagana ) | BANK ( Verb ) | they pulled the canoe up on the bank |