हरा देना Meaning in English हरा देना का अंग्रेजी मतलब – Translation of हरा देना in English
Suggested Words
Word | Meaning in English | Usage of word |
हरा देना ( hara dena ) | LICK ( Verb ) | ramu is licking icecream |
हरा देना ( hara dena ) | FLOOR ( Verb ) | He was floored by the argument. |
हरा देना ( hara dena ) | OUTPLAY ( Verb ) | The Knicks outplayed the Lakers |
हरा देना ( hara dena ) | ROUT ( TransitiveVerb ) | He resigned from his post after his party was routed in the election. |
हरा देना ( hara dena ) | DOWN ( Verb ) | you have four downs to gain ten yards |
हरा देना ( hara dena ) | NOSE ( Verb ) | he has a cold in the nose |