Word |
Meaning in English |
Usage of word |
रोकना ( rokana ) |
SHACKLE ( Verb ) |
He was shackled by his friend from blabing away his secrets. |
रोकना ( rokana ) |
RESTRAIN ( TransitiveVerb ) |
Restrain your anger. |
रोकना ( rokana ) |
DETAIN ( Verb ) |
रोकना ( rokana ) |
PREVENT ( Verb ) |
Raj, being a righteous man tried his best to prevent his friend from taking
bribe, but, failed. |
रोकना ( rokana ) |
THWART ( TransitiveVerb ) |
They are executing a plan to thwart his speech.
Rams work was thwarted constantly. |
रोकना ( rokana ) |
PROHIBIT ( Verb ) |