बदलना Meaning in English बदलना का अंग्रेजी मतलब – Translation of बदलना in English

Suggested Words

Word Meaning in English Usage of word
बदलना ( badalana ) AFFECT ( Verb ) The convict affected an air of innocence even after he was senteneed.
बदलना ( badalana ) SWITCH ( Verb ) his switch on abortion cost him the election
बदलना ( badalana ) GO BACK ( Verb ) This story dates back 200 years
बदलना ( badalana ) MOVE ( Verb ) he didnt make a move to help
बदलना ( badalana ) TRANSLATE ( Verb ) I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S.
बदलना ( badalana ) VARY ( Verb ) Prices vary

बदलना Meaning in English बदलना का अंग्रेजी मतलब- Translate of बदलना in English- myHindiEnglish

  Find the answer of what is the meaning of बदलना in the English dictionary? translation and definition of बदलनाin the English language.बदलना ka Matlab Angrezi me janyeh. बदलना का अंग्रेजी में मतलब.Know the meaning of any word using myhindienglish.com find the meaning of the Hindi word बदलना in English as well as in Hindi.Know the other meaning of बदलना and how to use that word in your life. बदलना - Meaning in English बदलना का मतलब अंग्रेजी में - Translation of बदलना in English-myHindiEnglish

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