निश्चित Meaning in English निश्चित का अंग्रेजी मतलब – Translation of निश्चित in English

Suggested Words

Word Meaning in English Usage of word
निश्चित ( nishchit ) SPECIFIC ( Noun ) quinine is a specific for malaria
निश्चिंत ( nishchinat ) RELAXED ( Verb ) gave the impression of being quite relaxed
निश्चिंत ( nishchinat ) UNCONCERNED ( Adjective ) the average American...is unconcerned that his or her plight is the result of a complex of personal and economic and governmental actions...beyond the normal citizens comprehension and control
निश्चिंत ( nishchinat ) CAREFREE ( Adjective )
निश्चित ( nishchit ) SURE ( Adjective )
निश्चित ( nishchit ) SET ( Noun ) Hotel meals are at set times.

निश्चित Meaning in English निश्चित का अंग्रेजी मतलब- Translate of निश्चित in English- myHindiEnglish

  Find the answer of what is the meaning of निश्चित in the English dictionary? translation and definition of निश्चितin the English language.निश्चित ka Matlab Angrezi me janyeh. निश्चित का अंग्रेजी में मतलब.Know the meaning of any word using myhindienglish.com find the meaning of the Hindi word निश्चित in English as well as in Hindi.Know the other meaning of निश्चित and how to use that word in your life. निश्चित - Meaning in English निश्चित का मतलब अंग्रेजी में - Translation of निश्चित in English-myHindiEnglish

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