ठहरना Meaning in English ठहरना का अंग्रेजी मतलब – Translation of ठहरना in English
Suggested Words
Word | Meaning in English | Usage of word |
ठहरना ( Thaharana ) | BREATHE ( Verb ) | I can breathe better when the air is clean |
ठहरना ( Thaharana ) | VISIT ( Verb ) | he dropped by for a visit |
ठहरना ( Thaharana ) | STAY ON AT ( Verb ) | |
ठहरना ( Thaharana ) | ACCOMMODATE ( Verb ) | Can you accommodate me with a rental car? |
ठहरना ( Thaharana ) | HANG OUT ( Verb ) | She hangs out at the corner cafe |
ठहरना ( Thaharana ) | REMAIN ( Verb ) | There remains the question of who pulled the trigger |