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Word | Meaning in English | Usage of word |
वीनस पर्णांग ( vinas parNanag ) | VENUS MAIDENHAIR ( Noun ) | |
घेरा बांधना ( ghera banadhana ) | FENCE ( Verb ) | |
दीर्धीकरण ( dirdhikaraN ) | ELONGATION ( Noun ) | The musician made an elongation in music. |
कुल्ला करना ( kulla karana ) | GARGLE ( Verb ) | Gargle with salt water to cure soar throat. |
कैलिफ़ोर्निया में पाया जाने वाला सदाबहार वृक्ष ( kailiforniya men paya jane vala sadabahar vaRakSh ) | CALIFORNIA YEW ( noun ) | कैलिफ़ोर्निया यू आकर में बहुत ही लम्बे होते हैं। |
दुखदायक ( dukhadayak ) | GRIEVOUS ( Adjective ) | It was a grievous bus accident. |
नेता ( neta ) | HEAD ( Noun ) | वर्तमान भारत की राजनीति मे सच्चे देशभक्त युवा नेता की आवश्यकता है ! |
निक्षेप ( nikShep ) | DEPOSIT ( Noun ) | his deposit was refunded when he returned the car |
भाषाशैली ( bhaShashaili ) | PARIANCE ( Noun ) | Martinas pariance is appreciated in conference. |
रानी चीटी ( rani chiTi ) | QUEEN ( Noun ) | Paris is the queen of cities |