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शीशम की लकड़ी ( shisham ki lakaDai ) ROSEWOOD ( Noun )
गुण ( guN ) NATURE ( Noun ) it is the nature of fire to burn
आर्शिवाद ( Arshivad ) BLESSINGS ( Noun ) मेरा आर्शिवाद सदा तु्म्हारे साथ है.
सूक्तिपूर्ण ( suktipurN ) EPIGRAMMATIC ( Adjective )
के भांति ( ke bhanati ) AS ( Noun )
रमता जोगी ( ramata jogi ) WANDERER ( Noun )
घरिया ( ghariya ) CRUCIBLE ( Noun ) Raw metals aremelted in the crucible
टिकटवाले दर्शक ( TikaTavale darshak ) BUMS ON SEATS ( Noun )
सरेस ( sares ) SIZE ( Noun ) a wolf is about the size of a large dog
चीरफाड़ ( chiraphaDD ) ANATOMY ( Noun ) The book attempts an anatomy of the situation in South Africa.