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उत्तेजित करना ( uttejit karana ) GALVANIZE ( Verb ) Liberalisation policy has galvanized the private sector in the business world.
हिम्मत दिखाना ( himmat dikhana ) RISE TO ( Verb )
ज्वर ( jvar ) FEVER ( Noun ) in a fever of resentment
बनाना ( banana ) FABRICATE ( TransitiveVerb ) She has bought a specially fabricated cloth for winter.
कुपात्र ( kupatr ) UNWORTHY ( Adjective ) dispel a student whose conduct is deemed unworthy
कुपात्र ( kupatr ) UNWORTHY ( Adjective ) dispel a student whose conduct is deemed unworthy
बाकी लोग ( baki log ) REST ( Noun ) took his repose by the swimming pool
मुझे पक्का विश्वास है ( mujhe pakka vishvas hai ) ILL BE BOUND ( Noun )
पाप स्वीकरण ( pap svikaraN ) CONFESSION ( Noun )
नाजायज़ ( najayaja ) WRONGFUL ( Adjective )