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Word Meaning in English Usage of word
मार डालना ( mar Dalana ) TOP ( Verb ) The girl was at the top of her voice when the intruder entered.
जुनुन ( junun ) OBSESSION ( Noun ) some time love becomes obsession
नष्ट करना ( naShT karana ) VITIATE ( Verb )
शुष्क ( shuShk ) PARCHED ( Verb )
नींद में चलने वाला ( ninad men chalane vala ) SLEEPWALKER ( Noun )
राज़ ( raja ) SECRET ( Noun ) भारत की सफलता का राज़ उसके संस्कार हैं |
शैलीगत ढंग से ( shailigat Dhanag se ) STYLISTICALLY ( Adverb ) stylistically complex
शुरूआत करना ( shuruAt karana ) PREFACE ( Verb )
रोचक ( rochak ) INTERESTING ( Adjective ) Arthur Haileys novels are interesting.
भुकड्ॅई ( bhukaDI ) MUST ( Verb ) seat belts are an absolute must