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टूटा फूटा ( TuTa phuTa ) BROKEN DOWN ( Noun )
बाहों में जकड़ लेना ( bahon men jakaDa lena ) FOLD / IN ARMS ( Verb )
सुचना देना ( suchana dena ) TELL ( Verb )
नौसिखिया ( nausikhiya ) TIRO ( Noun )
उत्सव क् ( utsav k ) FESTIVE ( Adjective )
टी सैट ( Ti saiT ) TEASET ( Noun ) Get me a teaset.
धार्मिक मत को अपनाना ( dharmik mat ko apanana ) SEE THE LIGHT ( Verb )
दौड़ा देना ( dauDaa dena ) SET OFF ( Verb ) The guide set the tour off to a good start
बुलावा पत्रक ( bulava patrak ) CARD ( Noun ) he collected cards and traded them with the other boys
हुर्रा! ( hurra! ) HURRAY ( Noun )