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उलटा पुलटा ( ulaTa pulaTa ) TOPSY TURVY ( Adverb ) His work is topsyturvy.
निरंतरता ( niranatarata ) SUSTAINABILITY ( Noun )
भूत ( bhut ) SHAPE ( Noun ) he could barely make out their shapes
उसी समय ( usi samay ) IMMEDIATELY ( Adverb ) he answered immediately
उपभोग ( upabhog ) ENJOYMENT ( Noun ) I spent my last year in enjoyment.
एक साथ किए जाने वाले दो शैक्षिक पाठ्यक्रम ( ek sath kie jane vale do shaikShik paThyakram ) SANDWICH COURSE ( Noun ) My sister is doing Sandwich course.
टक्राना ( Takrana ) PLOUGH INTO ( Verb )
धीरे धीरे बीतना ( dhire dhire bitana ) WEAR ON ( PhrasalVerb ) As the time wore on she became more anxious.
बनावट ( banavaT ) FORMATION ( Noun ) The formation of the state of Madhya Pradesh took place on November 1.50. Rock formations take millions of years.
वैगन चालक ( vaigan chalak ) WAGGONER ( Noun )